
Showing posts from November, 2018

Final Project

PROJECT CHALLENGE Sun Tracking Glass Louvers Acting as Solar Shading The goal of this project is to create glass louver system which can be controlled to reduce the solar loads without compromising daylight supply. CONTROL ANGLE PARAMETER Create list of  adaptive points using  XYZ cooridinate   1. Open the mass family and get all the curtain panels and their locations. 2. Create Excel file which has XYZ coordinates of adaptive points. 3.  Clean the Excel data manually using Excel Find and Replace function to become data only  Get each panel direction 1. Read panel location data from Excel file and create a list. 2. Create panel objects as Revit adaptive components according to the list. 3. Create panel surface geometry by connecting all points. 4. Find center point of each panel and get a vector at the point. 5. If Vector Y is positive (when panel is facing North), reverse a vector. (...